Knowing When It’s Time To Resurface And Remodel Your Pool


Knowing When It’s Time To Resurface And Remodel Your Pool

A swimming pool can provide endless hours of entertainment and relaxation, but it also requires proper maintenance to ensure it remains safe and functional. While regular maintenance can help extend the lifespan of your pool, there comes a time when resurfacing and remodeling your pool is necessary.

In this post, we will discuss the signs that indicate when it is time to resurface and remodel your pool, the benefits of doing so, and the available options.

Why Do I Need To Resurface Or Remodel My Pool?

The average lifespan of a swimming pool is about 10-20 years. If you’ve had your swimming pool for more than 10 years, then you should be aware that it may be time to resurface or remodel your swimming pool.

Pool resurfacing and remodeling are essential for keeping your pool in great condition and extending its life. The process involves repairing any existing damage, replacing worn-out parts, and updating the look of your pool. It also helps keep your family safe by making sure that the equipment is functioning properly and there are no hidden hazards in the pool or surrounding area.

The reasons for needing to resurface and remodel your pool are varied. But whatever the reason may be, it’s important to know when it’s time to take action.

6 Signs That It’s Time To Resurface And Remodel Your Pool

Outdated pools are often inefficient and even dangerous. By investing in a pool renovation project, you can improve the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space while making sure that everyone who uses it is safe. Here are six signs that suggest it may be time to resurface or remodel your pool:

  • Wear and tear of the pool’s surface

If you’ve noticed that your swimming pool’s surface is showing signs of wear and tear, it may be time for a resurfacing or remodel. Resurfacing involves applying new plaster over your existing swimming pool wall, floor, or deck. This can also include cracks, chips, and discoloration – these issues can make your pool unattractive, reduce its functionality, and even pose safety hazards.

Remodeling involves tearing down an existing swimming pool deck or wall in order to add new features, such as stairs or benches. You can choose from several different finishes, including smooth and textured finish (for an aged appearance).

  • Persistent leaks or cracks

The pool’s surface can develop cracks over time, especially if it has been neglected for a long time. These cracks are usually caused by the sun or by excessive heat. If they are not repaired, they may lead to other problems, such as water leaks and damage to the pool liner.

Leaks and cracks can also develop in your pool’s structure, causing it to lose water, affect water quality, and increase the risk of damage to the surrounding area. It is best to get these fixed as soon as possible because if left alone for too long, they can cause more serious problems down the line.

  • Outdated design or style

Pool design and style evolve over time, and what may have been fashionable a few years ago could now look outdated. So, if your pool has been around for quite some time, then chances are its design has become dated compared to newer models available on the market today.

We can assess where improvements can be made and make suggestions based on what will work best for you and your family’s needs. Updating your existing pool with modern features such as LED lighting, curved edges, new tile designs, etc., can help give it a fresh new look while also increasing its efficiency and safety features as well.

And if you’ve always wanted an infinity edge with a waterfall feature, now is the time before it’s too late!

  • Inefficient or outdated equipment

Swimming pools require certain pieces of equipment, such as pumps, filters, heaters, etc., in order to keep them running all year round smoothly. Over time these pieces may become outdated due to technological advancements, which could mean they are no longer providing optimal performance levels for your pool needs anymore – this is another sign that it might be time for an upgrade.

The older your pool equipment, the less efficient it becomes. This can lead to higher energy bills and an increased risk of malfunction.

  • Tile and Coping are Falling Off

Tiles around the edge of pools usually begin to fall off after many years due to regular use combined with water damage from rain and other sources over time.

This should always be taken care of as soon as possible. Otherwise, further damage could occur within the structure itself if left unchecked for too long. Remember, the more often you have to replace these parts, the more expensive it will be in the long run.

  • Dark Spots from Missing Plaster

The opposite of falling off is dark spots where there used to be plaster. Dark spots on existing plaster surfaces can indicate missing pieces which need replacing before further deterioration occurs—these missing pieces should always be replaced during any resurfacing job.

These spots may also imply that there’s a hole in the plaster, which means water will leak into your pool and cause the plaster to deteriorate even faster. If you see these dark spots, it’s time to resurface and remodel your pool.

Benefits of Resurfacing and Remodeling Your Pool

Resurfacing and remodeling your pool can have a number of benefits, including:

Improved aesthetic appeal

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons why people choose to invest in a new look for their swimming space is because they want something fresh and modern that reflects their own personal tastes better than what was previously there before! Not only will this make it easier for them when entertaining guests, but it will also give them more satisfaction when using their own backyard oasis every day.

Enhanced safety features

When renovating an older swimming pool, there’s no doubt that enhanced safety features are going to be added into consideration—this could range from better lighting so swimmers can see clearly underwater at night all the way through installing handrails around steps leading into deeper waters for those who may struggle to get out without assistance.

Increased energy efficiency

Upgrading your pool equipment can make it more energy-efficient, leading to lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact. By investing in new filters, pumps, etc., swimmers will not only reduce their electricity bills by using more efficient models but also increase water circulation throughout their entire backyard paradise resulting in less maintenance downstream too.

Increased home value

Last but certainly not least comes increased home value—investing money into sprucing up an old-looking swimming area can make all the difference when selling up later down the line helping homeowners get far more back than what they originally paid out initially—now how great does that sound?

How To Get Started On A Pool Renovation Project?

Knowing when it’s time to resurface and remodel your pool is essential for keeping its condition intact while adding more value (and fun) to your life at home! With these tips in mind, now might be just the right moment to start planning out what type of renovations you would like done in your own space.

And if you believe that now is the right time for a pool renovation project, contact Executive Blue Pools today so we can help ensure everything goes according to plan from start to finish! Executive Blue Pools provides complete pool services throughout Frisco, TX, ranging from new builds all the way through renovations to small-large scale projects alike!

We also provide consultation services should customers have questions about their upcoming swimming remodeling needs!

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